Independence Day Special Edition
Many good citizens wonder what they can do besides praying, voting, volunteering to help good candidates get elected and running for office themselves. We have done so much to help promote God-fearing, Constitution- loving, life-revering values in our communities and nation.
There is a nearly forgotten tradition of publicly reading the Declaration of Independence. This can happen in front of state houses, court houses, city halls, village squares and wherever people gather. If you feel inspired to publicly read the Declaration of Independence, even if it is at your backyard barbecue, it might inspire others as well. If you don’t want to read it, put on my pod-cast and let me read it to your friends and others who might enjoy a reminder of why we fought for our sovereignty.
Whatever else you do, reading the Declaration of Independence will top off your day!
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Home Front is also part of the Missouri Grassroots Radio lineup of pod-casts and can be heard live most Tuesday evenings at 8:00 pm Central Time, at